Hi, I’m Alex - freelancer

Data Scientist - Machine Learning - Deep Learning - Generative AI

  • Experienced in machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI, dedicated to driving data-driven solutions and innovations

Focused on KPI (key Performance Indicator)

  • Efficiency Improvement
  • Process Automation
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Root Cause Analysis and Prevention
  • Market Insights and Pattern Recognition
  • Service Quality Enhancement

About Me

As I pivot towards Data Science, I’m excited to leverage my extensive experience to seamlessly transition into a field where I can continue transforming innovative visions into reality. My background equips me to consistently drive impactful outcomes for my clients, ensuring their needs are met with precision and creativity.

I am eager to apply my skills and contribute to the dynamic and evolving landscape of Data Science. This new direction aligns perfectly with my passion for harnessing data to uncover insights and deliver solutions that make a difference.


Pandas and Seaborn
Machine Learning(Scikit-learn)(Regression & Classifcation)
Machine Learning(Scikit-learn)(Time Series)
Deep Learning(CNN , OpenCV , Keras)
Deep Learning (RNN, LSTM, NLTK, Spacy, Keras)
Cloud (AWS & Azure) (Build & Deploy)
Flask & Streamlit


15 + Years

Overall Experience

4 + Years

Python, Machine Learning , Deep Learning , Gen AI

Python Project

Alexander demonstrated exceptional Python programming skills while working with us on a critical project. He consistently met all deadlines, delivering high-quality work that exceeded expectations. His ability to manage time effectively without sacrificing quality was particularly impressive, making him a reliable and valuable asset to any team.


"I am very satisfied with Alexander's help for the subjects EPS32 and MicroPython. Through 10 presentations, he has given a very good introduction to the techniques and a correct progression of progress in complexity. The theory for the presentations and the practical demonstrations of code/FW and ESP32 with various hardware worked perfectly and helped to make me even more interested in working with the subjects"

Python Streamlit

"Very good with streamlit. Clear , Precise in Expectations. Ready to work again.

Recent Projects

  • Gen AI-RAG (Research tool designed for easy information retrieval. It allows users to input article URLs and search through text, PDFs, and web content)
  • Gen AI-RAG-SQL (User asks questions in a natural language and the system generates answers by converting those questions to an SQL query and then executing that query on MySQL database)
  • Gen AI-Gemini-Chat Bot(The Gemini Pro/Flash Chat Bot project is designed to guide users through creating a chat bot with integrated image and text search capabilities)
  • Generative AI for Build LLM Model Using Lama 3 , Gemma 2
  • Email/Movie Review-Text-Classify(Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) to accurately interpret and classify text data.)

  • Next-Word-Prediction(Next word prediction using Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models involves training on large text datasets to learn the context and dependencies between words, enabling the generation of coherent and contextually relevant text)

  • Image-Captioning(Image captioning involves using deep learning models, like CNNs for feature extraction and LSTMs for sequence generation, to create descriptive text for images)

  • Face Mask Detector(Built  a Face Mask Detector using Keras, Tensorflow, MobileNet and OpenCV)
  • Wound Images Classifier (It is multi – Class – Classification (10), Goal is to Increase the Accuracy from 50% to 80% (Train and
  • Facial Expression Recognition (Learn facial expressions from an image)
  • Visa Approval Classification(Successfully developed and implemented a machine learning model to accurately classify visa approval statuses, enhancing decision-making efficiency and accuracy)
  • Wine Quality  Classification(Developed a predictive model to classify wine quality based on physicochemical properties, improving quality control processes.)
  • Telecom Customer Churn Prediction(Created a predictive model to identify customers at risk of churn, enabling targeted retention strategies and reducing customer attrition)
  • Employee Promotion Prediction(Developed a predictive model to determine employee promotion likelihood, enhancing HR decision-making and career development planning) 
  • BigMart Sales Regression(Developed a regression model to predict sales for BigMart, aiding inventory management and sales strategy optimization.)

  • WiDS Datathon 2024 Challenge (Developed a model to address the WiDS Datathon 2024 challenge by predicting key metrics and outcomes using diverse data sets, contributing to global data science advancements.)
  • Restaurant Ratings Prediction (Developed a regression model to predict restaurant ratings based on various features, enhancing customer satisfaction and business strategies.)


Get In Touch

(91) 9566177461




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